Dickinson Group of Companies in alliance with Process Vacuum designs and manufactures a complete range of Industrial Vacuum Solutions that are tailored to application requirements in various industries.

The alliance also specialises in the provision of a comprehensive range of the associated system operation, maintenance and cleaning services. Ultimately this offers safe, effective, fast and reliable solutions for cleaning up industrial waste or recovering partially processed material spillages in the mining industry.

The tailor-made Industrial Vacuum Systems fall within the RECOVAC range of Vacuum units. The vacuum units provide for: underground mining recovery and cleaning systems (RECOVAC U); underground diamond mining recovery and cleaning systems (RECOVAC D); small mobile electrical recovery and cleaning units (RECOVAC L); central systems for recovery and cleaning (RECOVAC C); and mobile trailer mounted diesel or electrical recovery and cleaning systems (RECOVAC T).

They are used for the following mining applications: Recovery Surface and Underground; Shaft Bottom Cleaning; Conveyor Way Cleaning; Belt Level Cleaning; Vamping; Stopes; Flatbed Material Car Vacuum Systems; Slag / Sludge Pit Cleaning; Samplers; Trackless Units; and Desludging of ponds and dams.

YouTube: https://youtu.be/c2HjplkAo_k