EPLAN would like to show you more of our great new cloud based platform that we have launched called EPLAN ePULSE https://www.eplan.co.za/solutions/eplan-epulse/
This is yet another great platform that enables engineers to simplify their engineering processes through various cloud applications, thus minimalizing down time, saving them time and money.
EPLAN ePULSE connects data, projects, disciplines and engineers worldwide in a secure cloud-based environment. ePULSE extends the EPLAN Platform with perfectly tailored cloud services. EPLAN technology ensures that your company remains competitive and future-proof during the digital transformation. You can try EPLAN ePULSE for free: https://www.eplan.co.za/solutions/eplan-epulse/
The EPLAN ePULSE Platform includes modules such as EPLAN eVIEW, EPLAN eBUILD and the new EPLAN Data Portal:
With EPLAN eVIEW, project data, generated in the EPLAN Platform, becomes available and transparent for all those involved in the project, at all stages. eVIEW allows you to view project data, comment and make changes via redlining workflows, from any location using an internet browser.
EPLAN eBUILD Free is a solution for automatically creating schematics. The libraries provided free of charge, deliver templates for simple controls that you can start working with immediately.
The EPLAN Data Portal gives you direct online access to the high-quality product catalogues from the most comprehensive range of component manufacturers. This reduces the effort and time required in design engineering and ensures you can provide highest quality machines and plant documentation.
Getting started with EPLAN ePULSE Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hL29oNUMmxc
Watch this video to see what EPLAN eVIEW is all about: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wueBMn_12LY