Available from Allpronix, this powerful mini PLC is ideal for integrating sequential control functions, processing and management of data on automatic machines or domotic systems, with control of analogue variables and digital/analogue blocks.

A single device offers digital inputs and relay outputs, analogue inputs for NTC probe (-40…+125°C) and for linear signals (1024 points) and a linear analogue output (256 points). For network connection the device has two multipoint serial ports RS485 up to 57000 Baud.

The Ladder PLprog programming environment is structured in easy-to-use blocks, which alongside the classic counter, timer and control with PID algorithms functions, also implement axis positioning, mathematical functions and 16-bit logics, and checks on bit; the development tool uses a normal USB cable connection to program the device.

Wiring is simplified by an extractable terminal and makes the device suitable for applications with a low number of I/Os, but which can be expanded with MCM260 expansion modules. The option with the OLED screen displays some predefined pages with variables from the program. It shows status of inputs/outputs, as well as the page to set the clock.

For more information, visit: www.allpronix.com